We all want to eat what tastes good, right? What types of food does that make you think of? For most I’m afraid it might be things like cookies, candies, fast food, packaged crackers/chips, comfort foods, etc. These are ALL ENERGY ZAPPING FOODS! What do I mean by that? All of these types of foods are lacking the nutrients your body needs to make the fuel it needs to get through the day and repair itself. There is also a connection between those foods your mood and how you feel physically. When you eat processed foods, you often have a rapid rise in blood sugar levels that is then quickly bottomed out. This leaves you feeling sluggish and can even make you crave more of it. Your body is telling you I need nutrients.

Energy Dense Foods

Let’s contrast that with ENERGY DENSE FOODS. Think of whole foods that come from plants…. Examples would be nuts, seeds, berries, vegetables, and quinoa just to name a few. I promise with some guidance you can retrain your tongue to taste all the wonderful flavors in these energy and health promoting foods. Herbs can add such depth of flavor and the variety is endless in yummy combinations. You will not feel like you are missing out on great tasting foods.

Eating for Energy

Quick Tips:

Here are a few quick tips to keep your energy up throughout the day. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can zap your energy and leave you with a headache. Move as much as you can throughout the day. Even if you are at a desk, you can stand and stretch once an hour. Mid meal energy dense snacks such as nuts and fruit will keep you going. Here is a big one, stay away from processed food snacks to avoid that “crash”. Your challenge for the week is to eliminate sugar and processed foods and chart how you feel at the start of the week compared to the end